#7: Walking the Path: Destiny vs Choice & How to Fearlessly Live Your Purpose with Kristian Martinow

On this episode I sat down with Kristian Martinow (@kristianmartinow), a spiritual and wellness educator and a good friend of mine.

We actually met earlier this year back in India while we were both on our personal discovery journeys. The day I met Kristian I think we talked for 4 hours, about life, yoga, religion, science, and business, and even though Kristian’s from Melbourne Australia we even had mutual friends! It shows you how small of a world this really is.

Not only is Kristian a great human being, but he’s been doing some incredible things in the health and wellness space for some years now. He’s worked with over 4,400 people teaching, facilitating, and coaching on things like how to master your mind, understand and learn how to process emotions, transforming your body through nutrition, energy and movement, create a meaningful life with direction and clarity, and finally, creating open and connected relationships.

What’s cool about Kristian is that he considers his life as one big experiment so everything he teaches he makes sure he’s personally experienced and gone through the ups and downs of it all himself.

This said, we run through his story in this show. We talk about why he went to Asia to explore himself, what he’s learned on this journey, his thoughts on destiny vs choice, and what it takes to let go of fears and insecurities and step into the life that were meant to live. We also chat about:

  • How Kristian stopped looking for his purpose and started living it

  • Meditation, yoga, and the reason we don’t really need specific ‘methods’

  • The power of self-belief and love to transform yourself and your life

  • Numerology, Life Cycles, and aligning with the patterns of the universe

Super deep stuff, I came out of the convo so charged and inspired, it was such a blast and honor to have him on the show.

Reach Kristian at:

Instagram: @kristianmartinow

Facebook: facebook.com/kristian.martinow

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kristianmartinow

Show Notes:

  • Kristian’s wearing a super dope spiritual gangster shirt

  • The definition of equanimity

  • Kristian talks about why he went to Asia

  • Kristian was going through an identity death… he had an idea to travel to India with his partner… but he kept putting off the trip for multiple reasons, but really he just had a calling to go to India on a self-discovery journey

  • For many years he had been searching for knowledge, seeking to ‘know the path’, but he hadn’t actually started walking it yet

  • 7 states or energetics of consciousness

  • In hind sight, Kristian realized he was looking to discover his soul and spirit self – he took a yoga course, helped in a children’s home, studied with zen masters, stayed in an eco village, meditated in caves – all these things he experienced can’t be gotten in a book

  • Kristian grew up as a commerce student, management consultant, going to the gym, drinking alcohol, just going through the motions not aware of the energies around us

  • He became aware that he’s not his thoughts and that he has sensations in the body when he started meditating

  • Kristian talks about the importance of rights of passage and experiencing separation, transformation, and reintegration. Him going to India facilitated these different aspects of helping him grow and transform

  • Kristian talks about the importance of sharing your experiences and new story with the world once you go through a transformation – this is the integration piece that a lot of people forget to work through

  • The power of sharing… when we tell stories in a certain way we speak into people’s souls and others can learn about themselves – like what Sydney Strabala talked about on our podcast about experiencing ourselves through the other

  • Kristian for a long time was worried about finding his purpose, but he’s realized that instead of searching it’s better to set an intention and then let the purpose unfold – based on numerology we have a destiny that’s continuously unraveling

  • There’s destiny which is constantly unraveling, and then there’s choice – the two are always playing out with each other to make our lives what they are

  • Kristian’s purpose is to reach enlightenment and teach others the path to enlightenment… he realized this last week out in the Australian bush with a wise elder… he’s now hyper connected to what he calls ‘source’, his brain waves are in alpha state, and he’s been having loads of energy… and Kristian’s still on the journey

  • Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks, Wim Hof, they’re all doing incredible spiritually-based healing modalities that science is just beginning to understand

  • Kristian explains how a lot of our ancient wisdom traditions are no longer connected to the source… things like yoga, ayurveda, and reiki that are being rationalized, processed, and commercialized today

  • Emotion is energy in motion – courage is the entry point into positive emotions… Brene Brown is working with emotion and this is where the bulk of society is at, right on the verge of entering courage so she’s meeting people where they’re at

  • David Hawkins had a spiritual experience where he left his body and then went into the woods for a few years, but then he came back into the world to practice psychiatry

  • Kristian’s mom is reading ‘Letting Go’ his dad is reading the ‘The Power of Now’

  • There’s nothing wrong with TikTok, giving people instant pleasure, but it’s why we use it and how we use it

  • ‘Freedom through Discipline’ is Kristian’s destiny

  • When we have agency, self belief, and love, anything is possible

  • Dating apps, and how they pull our attention towards each other for the wrong reasons

  • Kristian has started to line up his goals and visions with the 9 seasons of lives… shared by Dan Millman’s ‘The Life You Were Born to Live’

  • Kristian gave so much energy to worry, and he needed to take the first step to getting better which meant being present

  • We talk about the power of love and how it’s not just a word or a feeling, but more like the experience of seeing God in all things

  • Kristian is experiencing the power of consciousness to overcome all negative external things that we perceive or consume

  • Personal branding has become very popular, but there’s so much more to the human being that’s beneath the brand… when building our personal brands we need to be careful not to get wrapped up in the idea we’re creating ourselves, we are the human with a brand, not the brand itself

  • One thing Kristian is learning right now… surrendering and letting go of all resistance and negative emotions…

  • One thing Kristian is grateful for is the gift of life… that his soul was planted into his physical body, the journey of it all

  • One thing he’s excited for… enlightenment… ‘whatever that looks like’