Uniting the World through an Experimental City, Personal Transformation & the Yoga of Work with B

When Bill Sullivan moved to Auroville in 1974, he dropped the -ill from his name and became B. Just B. He had a steady job teaching at a university in Los Angeles, but when he learned about an experimental township being built in India, he had to make a radical shift and join the cause he’d been searching for since he was just a boy.

Auroville at the time was nothing but a barren, blazing desert with one BIG IDEA: to realize human unity and be “a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and nationalities”.

When the goings got rough it was this vision, his faith in the ‘divine consciousness’, and a strong love connection with the city (and a beautiful young Brazilian woman) that kept B building up his city, himself, and his personal story of almost 80 years.

In this podcast, B shares parts of his story and learnings he’s had along the way - leaping into the journey of a lifetime, different techniques for exploring the mind + body + soul connection, and his #1 piece of advice for crafting an epic life story: JUST START WRITING IT!

Today B’s (and everyone else’s of course) Auroville has over 4,000 residents and successfully governs itself as a community that belongs to humanity. It aims to be a center of transformation, where individuals from around the world work towards their own personal progress (mind, body, & spirit) in the process of working, experimenting, and creating for something bigger than themselves or personal profit (The Yoga of Work).

Ecological sustainability projects, architectural design & consulting, and a range of other innovative projects help sustain Auroville’s largely cashless society, and it continues to collaborate with nations around the world on social, economic, and environmental initiatives to further the evolution of the human race.

More information on Auroville and it’s history, philosophy, and ongoing events, projects, and workshops can be found at Auroville.org.