#5: Stories & Strategies On Trusting Your Intuition And Stepping Into Your Higher Self with Elly Bannon & Clea Martin
This week’s show is a co-production between the Substrand and Self Adore (@selfadorepodcast), the podcast of beauty and self-care brand Honey and Be (@honeyandbedaily).
We sat down with founders Elly Bannon (@ellybannon) and Clea Isabella (@cleaisabella) to share our stories of personal growth and entrepreneurship.
The idea for the show came when Charlie and Elly (old college friends) recently reconnected over their similar spiritual and business journeys.
Elly and Clea took the leap to launch their own e-commerce brand, and Charlie’s building out a media platform after a 6-month long exploratory study in Asia.
In this episode we chat about:
What it took to trust our intuition and start living in more alignment with our purpose
The relationship between entrepreneurship, personal development, and spiritual growth
Daily routines and rituals that keep us grounded, clear, and focused on our goals
The importance of self respect and self love and how they’re related to each other
For more information on Honey and Be’s beauty products check out their website: https://www.honeyandbe.com/.
Sipping on cacao on a rainy Orange County day
Honey and Be is working to merge the beauty space with the self care space selling crystal facial massage tools that act as an invitation to slow down and take the time for yourself… and bring mindfulness into a practice that you can do every day
Self care isn’t about having a checklist… it’s about doing things for yourself that feel right at the right time… self adore is helping to spark curiosity around what feels good and what doesn’t feel good for you…
Honey and be is merging beauty, wellness, and mindfulness – honey stands for treat yourself sweet, and be stands for be present….
I share some of my story of why I left New York and went traveling to learn about what I like doing…. I should mention this in the intro too
Things weren’t working at work so I left to South East Asia and India…timing worked out perfectly the universe was working for me… when you flip the scrip and don’t look at things as victimizing you you’ve got to trust that things make sense
So when did the shift start for them? It’s been a slow process… Elly and Clea would call each other and break things down and talk about ways to improve and ways they messed up and support each other and hold each other accountable and forgive themselves and create daily habits
Elly and Clea talk about when they made the decision to change their lives… they started thinking positive about little things as well as getting into crystals.. they would look at the energies in the crystals and invite them into their lives
Clea’s stone is carnelian and she holds it while she meditates
Whether you think crystals are just a pretty thing or that they carry special properties it doesn’t matter… it’s the process of seeking out something that has the meaning that you mean… this is powerful because you’re inviting a specific idea into your life which is powerful
How to choose a crystal – think about what it is you really need in your life and look for a crystal that aligns with that… and what it feels like when you’re about to get the right one – it’s a vibration and energetic sensation in your hands… but it really comes down to trusting your intuition and your gut
Charlie talks about his first encounter with literature and how two books – essays and poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Romantic Manifesto by Ayn Rand called me… they were my crystal
The importance of silence and meditation to tap into our intuition and trust ourselves… as well as removing the toxic stuff from our lives to make space
Charlie talks about how he took the step from learning to applying his knowledge in creating the podcast while out studying yoga in Auroville
We talk about learning that we are empaths and how to deal with emotional sensations on an extreme level
Clea talks about the power of the mind being one of the biggest things she learned on her journey and how yoga and meditation helped her realize it
Elly’s non-negotiables in terms of self care include yoga and meditation
When Elly was younger she was really able to communicate with spirit and different energies… she didn’t know what it was when she was little but those experiences were showing her she had the ability to connect with something much higher than herself… now she can see her aura and communicate with spirit more regularly
Elly talks about the meditation that has been most profound – future meditation at a studio called ceremony by Peter Oberman in Los Angeles… it taps into the beta theta brainwave helping you go deeper and release your subconscious
Elly talks about a deep meditation moment where she was on the beach and channeling spirit and voices… and she saw on the beach this insanely beautiful hawk a few feet above her head and nobody else saw it… and then it became a tiny black bird… a hawk represents a spiritual energy that’s visiting you and sharing with you messages
Charlie shares his experiences with walking meditation
Clea talks about what self love is.. the deepest moments come when you respect yourself, letting things go that don’t serve you, changing habits that you’ve built for years and years and doing things that realign you with your authenticity
Elly says its self-respect but also holding yourself responsible…and committing to the journey of growth and accepting that things will change and continuing to learn about yourself
Clea does a morning yoga and matcha mostly everyday, as well as taking a manifestation course that’s been very helpful
The importance of writing down your vision and mission to help you keep aligned with it along your journey
One of the first things Charlie does for self love is making his bed, as well as doing yoga and meditation and cold showers and writing in my journal
How to be consistent with journaling – Charlie says doing it in the morning when you have more energy… Elly uses a practice called morning pages (writing three pages… free flow of consciousness until you fill all pages… and doing it every morning before you start anything else… the book called Moon Lists is also helpful… it has different journal prompts in it
The power of writing a letter to your future self – some things may change… but the core of you remains the same
The challenge of being along but why it’s so important… it takes work to get to the place of feeling amazing when you’re alone
Why Elly and Clea go on solo dates, to Big Bear, Joshua tree, going to the beach
The Honey and Be product is a complete self care experience… the beauty tool comes with a pouch, intention setting card, and a box that can act as a decoration and a travel case… it’s meant to help remind you to do something for yourself
The really important piece behind the product is the mindfulness that it encourages
Self adore is going to start hosting events and bringing people together, creating community around the podcast for the year 2020