#7 September 10th - The American Spirit
At a time when the polarization in our country is at extreme levels, we need more than ever to find common ground. To realize that we are more alike than different. That in order to prosper, we must work together. Rather than shout across the aisle at each other, we must listen to each others’ perspectives, in order to compromise.
One party gets elected and strongmans all of their policies through, only to have them demolished by the next administration to take office 4 years later. It’s getting to the point where we recognize ‘the other side’ as a national threat, rather than our fellow citizens, with a shared patriotic interest.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has set out to heal this divide. And his message is resonating with Democrats and Republicans. The goal is to convince Republicans that they aren’t Republican, and Democrats that they aren’t Democrat. Reviving this American Spirit is essential to the health of our country.
The past few years, the censorship of free speech has been one of the most inflammatory issues tearing us apart. It was just ruled that the Biden Administration and the CDC did in fact collude with the social media companies to surpress any information that did not fall in line with their official narrative about COVID. All of the ideas and facts and remedies being shared and discussed by passionate and concerned Americans were shut down and deemed lies and conspiracies. Can any entity expect to function when it is not listening to and respecting the people that it claims to serve? No, it cannot.
Just as the body begins to die, and businesses begin to fail when it’s constituent parts are not communicating with each other effectively, so will the country. Voices shut down. The windows close. The breeze that once kept the flag flying high slowly comes to a standstill.
If we don’t remember who we are, and come together for a common cause, the Spirit will make itself heard. It is already showing us where we are going wrong, and people are crying out in pain to be listened to, to be supported, to be acknowledged as integral members of the whole.
Will we continue to drown out and demonize those we don’t agree with? Or will we realize that we are all part of the same system? That we are all responsible for upholding our part within this system, and working together with the others, to maintain its health and vitality?
Either way, the American Spirit will speak. Perhaps the real question is — will we listen?