#15 October 14, 2023 - Thoughts on Astrology
Many people will say there’s no scientific foundation to astrology.
They ask, how is it possible that a planet millions of miles away has any influence on us here on Earth? They say they are too far away, their gravitational force is too week, that they are just masses of rock with no conscious will to be exerted on planet Earth, on humanity.
I used to think something similar. Yet at the same time, there has always been this sense that there is some truth to the Zodiac. There has always been something about my sun sign, my birth chart, the unique placement of the planets and stars at the time of my birth that I do resonate with.
I would go out on a limb to say that most people probably do resonate in some sense with theirs. Or at least, they get excited to talk about themselves, and reflect on their unique quirks or habits that set them apart from the other, that was born under a different Sun or Saturn.
If nothing else, the sun and the stars, planet and the moon tell us something about the nature of the universe. The ways they move across the sky, the patterns they make and paths they take at different times of the day, and seasons of the year. There is a relationship that these celestial bodies have with each other. There is a relationship that they have with the Earth. And thus, there is a relationship that they have with us, as inhabitants of this planet.
Again, one might say that they are still too far away to have any sort of influence on us. That we may be in relationship with them, but they still do not have any force or power they can exert over our minds, our bodies, and being.
Nevertheless, we are in relationship with them. If not a physical relationship, then at least there is a mental relationship with them. Our awareness of their presence, has a psychological effect on us. Through our awareness of them we can observe their patterns of movement, and learn what it is their made of. We can learn something about the nature of the universe — that is, the space — that we all find our homes in.
And therefore, with the assistance of the stars, the planets, and the unique patterns they make in the sky, at our birth, and every waking moment, we can learn something about the nature of ourselves. If only we look deep enough.