#14 October 3, 2023 - Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight

“Keep it loose, keep it tight,” sung Amos Lee. Neither one is right or wrong, but they are both needed. Like the strings on a guitar – too tight and they’ll snap, or too lose and you’ll just have a sloppy mess. To tune your instrument just right, so that the strings are nice and taut, and when strummed, resonate a beautiful note. That is the art. That is life.

#6 September 9th, 2023 - Health & Harmony

When you think about health, what comes to mind? Mental clarity, physical strength, overall vitality and happiness. There are so many different wellness routines and hacks to look and feel better.

Yet so often we focus on just one aspect of our wellbeing. On making our head clearer, our body looser, our energy charged up. Drink this, eat that, don’t eat that, smoke this, sleep like this, think this way. So many different tips, tools and techniques to improve our state. Not to mention all of the different molecules, hormones, and bodily systems through which these course.

But zoom out from all of the different body parts, chemicals and systems and you can see that we are one dynamic organism, an organism made of parts. And in order to be healthy all of the parts must be working in harmony. They must be functioning and communicating in such a way that they harmonize.

A car whose engine doesn’t work will not generate the energy needed to power the tires. An organization that doesn’t have marketing department may have great products, but may not have any customers to share all of that creativity with. It’s not enough to focus on one part of the organism, and forget about the rest.

They all must be kept in mind. They all must be re-membered. They all must be given the proper attention and materials in order to re-connect and communicate with each other. And when this happens, when the parts of the body come in tune with each other, the energy which lays underneath and within them all, can finally flow freely and sing its song.