#8 September 11th, 2023 - Sailing the Seas of the Mind & Body
With each breath, the fascia moves. It twists and turns up and down, and all around the body. Every breath brings a charge that activates the connective tissue and puts it into motion. Just as wind makes waves. The longer and harder the wind blows, the bigger the waves, the stronger the current.
Sailing the seas of our minds and bodies takes skill and refinement. It requires a captain, dedicated to their craft. Without a clear direction in mind, the winds will push and pull us in any which way. A strong wind will capsize our ship. A soft wind won’t help us go anywhere. When the sails are firm, and a destination is pinpointed on the map, then a strong wind will be a great asset to our voyage. And a gentle breeze will be a pleasant rest along our path.