#4 September 7th, 2023 - Quantum Ground
Quantum physics says that everything at its core is vibrating strings of energy.
That energy is vibrating in this sort of formless state, until it is observed, that it becomes a particle. We have this perception, that humans and plants and animals and the planet are all sepearate entities. And in a very real way, we are. We have distinct shapes and functions and identities. Yet when you penetrate down to the core we are essentially all the same, strings of energy, vibrating at different rates, along a spectrum of frequency.
We are exchanging our energy with others at all times. We are one with others, taking in others, giving ourselves to others at all times. This perspective that quantum physics provides, and that the yogis have talked about for millenia, goes a bit beyond the notion of the body or the planet as our common ground. It points to something even deeper, even more essential.
It doesn’t negate the fact that this energy manifests in the forms of bodies and planets. But it does indicate that perhaps there is another level of commonality that is important to consider when connecting with ourselves, and connecting with others.