A Man Living Out His Dream

In today's world, we are overwhelmed by the endless opportunities and options of careers. But even with these endless options, we sometimes ask the question, "will I ever be able to pursue my dream career and still make a living?" This is a question I ask myself sometimes--and I'm sure many of you have asked yourselves this too. It's a tough one to wrestle with.

All of us are good at something that would lead to a steady career and future--but some of us might not necessarily be happy with that choice. I'm sure many of you have had the feeling of wanting something more satisfying. A feeling of wanting to take a risk and pursuing that dream career. But that's exactly it--a risk. I'm terrified of the possibility of failure. Of where I'm going to end up. Of what my life will turn out as. I don't want to live a comfortable life, I want true happiness. But what if I can't achieve it? It's a scary thought that I don't want to dwell on, but I have to.

In the recent past, I've been able to interview and meet with such an inspiring individual that really helped give me some peace of mind. He's a man that followed his dream despite some hardships. He strayed off the path once, but found his way back because it's what made him happy. He had to work hard, but I know he lives such an incredible life because he loves what he does.

We would almost never expect a surfboard shaper to make a living off of just shaping boards--but Josh Martin pulls it off. It's something that I would never expect to get consistent work. It's the type of career I would never dream of doing because I want to support my future family. It's the type of career where you have to go all-in if you want to succeed. It's a risk that Josh Martin took to live his incredibly blessed and blissful life. 

He's a man that inspired me to do something I love. He's a man that inspired me to work hard. He's a man that inspired me to take that risk.

Here's a short glimpse at what he has to say:

by vincent le

website: http://vinlephotography.blogspot.com/

Instagram: @vinlephotography