I’m Charlie B. Stephens
And I’m exploring what it takes to connect deeper:
with ourselves, others and the world around us.
About This Project:
Our world is more connected than ever before, but at the same time it seems we’re drifting further apart. Social media and technology bring us closer to others around the globe, but we continue to lose touch with ourselves, our potential and our purpose on this planet.
I’ve always believed there was something deeper that could keep us together. Some sort of idea, feeling, or realization of what it’s like to deeply connect, and what’s possible when this happens.
That’s what this platform is about — exploring what it takes to connect on a level that is meaningful and transformational for our minds, bodies, and communities. That helps us understand the meaning of our lives, and unleash all that we’re capable of for ourselves and the world around us.
Topics I’m Exploring:
Mindfulness, wellness, spirituality, culture.
My Background:
I’ve always been curious to understand what lights people up. This led me into the entertainment marketing space where I worked with Warner Bros & Viacom Media, and then into brand consulting - helping big organizations find their purpose, tell their stories, and engage with their people.
Living in Los Angeles and NYC through this all was a blast, but after awhile I was burnt out and feeling disconnected from myself and the cities. This led me on a journey to the other side of the world, living in Asia for six months and studying yoga and meditation in an Indian eco-village.
The people and practices I’ve encountered since have opened my eyes to a whole new way of living, which has sparked a mission to dive further into the this world and apply the insights and ideas I’m learning to level-up our mindsets, lifestyles and the world we live in — to make it healthier, happier and more helpful for generations to come.
- Charlie B. Stephens